Friday, September 26, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Get In My Belly!
Elizabeth is beginning to appreciate grabbing and holding objects ... but she also appreciating the ability to slobber on them and then put them in her mouth.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Baby Group at Casa del E

E! This week you were the host for your baby group. Once again, we armed Milon with the camera to catch it on film. From the looks of the photos it was a fun time! Milon said you were grumpy for a little bit, but that was only because you skipped your morning nap. There were lots of kids to slobber and your dad got to collage some photos. I'm sure you were a hit and the babies (that were light enough) got to try out your kick ass papasan swing. Double click a photo to make it larger and then right click "save as" to save it to your computer!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Bathtime for Bubbles . . .
Elizabeth ... here is proof that we cleaned and cared for you. Take note because you might have to do the same for for elderly parents someday. I do think that these pictures might bring you grief some day but trust me we really did not think of that until now and the photos were already uploaded and the Internet claimed them for all eternity. Well maybe a little bit ... but trust in the fact that we are paying some attention to modesty (as you can see mom's arm is positioned correctly) and promise to keep that in mind. Try not to do anything too embarrassing in the future that might be blogged about .... dad
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Look! No Hands!
EMM ... I'm sure you are in the 120th percentile when it comes to leg strength and standing up. You are a confident and happy standererer (????). Dad prefers the one hand hold'em and Milon (your Ayah) prefers the back puppet stance. It's truely amazing and we really are so very excited about you beginning to crawl and walk ... but the truth is you are so fun in the nonmobile state. Take your time ... no one is rushing you!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

After 2 hours of painstakingly construction your "Exersaucer" was complete and you were left with a hugely perplexed look of confusion and dismay at the absolute cacophony of gagdets, toys, color, and noises coming out of it. I guess you'll grow into it. Oh yeah it it takes 16 AAA batteries, so try not to over do the button pushing.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Bubbles ... bubbles ... bubbles ... during your daily visit to school (where I have 10 minutes of E-time) not only did you spit up on me but your diaper leaked and left a large wet spot on my pants ... that's OK ... I changed you right in the rotunda and proudly told and displayed your unplanned form of sincere appreciation.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Bumbo! Thanks Jaime and Kerstyn!
Elizabeth ... as you can see you LOVE your new Bumbo. It's hard to to believe such a simple thing can be so awesome. Next to the Boppy this is the next most important thing all parents need. In the second photo you were doing your Godfather impressination. Plus it helps to make video gaming possible ... look at that hand eye coordination.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Shipment is Here!
The air shipment came today and it was a bit like your first Christmas (without the tree). Your exersaucer (spelling?), swing, glider, clothes, books, and toys came. Dad spent a few hours putting things together and now we have multiple options to entertain you (and ourselves).
Your mom asked me today: "Have you heard Elizabeth fart yet?" and while I had and was very impressed she then commented that "you were like your father."
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
More Grabbing
Elizabeth ... you have a very strong grip and even after trying to pull away you held fast ... enough for mommy to get up, get the camera, and snap a few photos. You can clearly see that you are intentionally pulling my hair ... and proud of it too.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Grabbing and Gnawing
Saturday, September 6, 2008
A Conversation with Elizabeth
Elizabeth ... I caught a little of a conversation we had about .... well you remember right?
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Ayah Pics
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Elizabeth Laughs
You have been smiling up a storm lately but today when I had you flying above my head you did something new. It was definitely the precursor to the big laugh ... inhaling and exhaling heavily with huge smiles. You were so excited that I did not have the heart to stop and film it ... trust me there will be tons more opportunities to laugh big in this family!
You have been smiling up a storm lately but today when I had you flying above my head you did something new. It was definitely the precursor to the big laugh ... inhaling and exhaling heavily with huge smiles. You were so excited that I did not have the heart to stop and film it ... trust me there will be tons more opportunities to laugh big in this family!
Monday, September 1, 2008
E ... during a Skype video call to the grandparents, we fed you your daily vitamin D dose shortly after feeding you and then paraded you in front of the web cam. It was no wonder then when you projectile vomited all over your dad (completely soaking him) and narrowly missing the laptop which would have quickly ended the call and the life of the laptop. Dad changed but you gave a repeat performance with mom.
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