Monday, June 30, 2008

Aunt Nancy and Mason

Nancy and Mason came to visit ... Mason was very sweet and interested in talking to you. He even kissed you on the head.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Meet Greg and Stacy


You finally got to meet Greg (who you will teach you everything you need to know about Iron Maiden, Batman, and Godzilla that you can't get from me) and Stacy. Notice how Eddie is eating an armadillo ... Oi!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Uncles Jonathan, Matt and Mike

Here Jonathan and Matt steal the baby away ... they are magic with Elizabeth and frequently when they are over Elizabeth is as pictured above the entire time.

Brother Mike

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

1st Pool


We took you in the pool and boy did you ever love/hate it. It was hard with the smiling and crying fits but everyone got some sun and you got your toes wet. You hated the hat for sure but I'm sure you'll grow into it!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Passport Follies

So we went to get the passport today ... never believing it is going to be a pleasant experience, I started our as prepared as possible. The post office near would take photos and process the passport. Wrong ... not for infants under five. Fine we'll go to the Walgreens (local drug store) and get a couple ... take them back ... wrong ... you have to have the eyes open. The Walgreen's photo clerk had just been to a class and had mentioned that babies do not have to have their eyes open. At least the post office clerk asked to see them as soon as we walked in and we did not have to wait in line. Back to Walgreens and the clerk there gave us some more prints (I actually took the photos) after waking her up. She then made a copy of the instructions that stated that babies eyes do NOT have to be open. Back to the post office and the clerk let us to the front of the line. Both of the clerks were being so nice I just decided to let it go. The Walgreens clerk even threw in this cheesy amusement park magazine cover photo and the eyes open passport photo did turn out cuter.

Also it could be that Walgreens and Post Office are in "cahoots" together because while waiting I picked up a Butterfingers, a Twix, some almonds, a bottle of water, and some video cassettes.

Monday, June 23, 2008

First Bath


Today we gave you a 'real' bath by dunking you in the bed pan/bucket the hospital gave us. Although you cried a little, you mostly had the face below and went into a glassy-eyed trance. I (dad) just held you while others washed you and took pictures. I think we'll get you a bigger tub in Dhaka ... this one cramped your style.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

New Talents


You learned to projectile spit over six feet today. Clearly this is a inherit natural defense mechanism but when you are older try to stay awake and run after you douse someone. But for right now falling asleep immediately after hosing me down is just fine.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

First Mexican


We took you to one of our favorite Mexican restaurant "Los Cucos" which means 'the cuckoo' in Espanolista. I think the smells and sounds of mariachi made you sleep with a big smile. You also got to hear Uncle Mike talk about his school years ... he's got a lot of advice for you when you are ready to listen. We came home after a couple rounds of margaritas and took a siesta in the living room. The family talked (and played a mean game of Metal Floss) until dinner time when Aunt Jen whipped up a tasty meal. Good day...

Friday, June 20, 2008

First Plane Ride


Congrats on your first real traveling experience! We flew Rochester to Philly to Houston and you slept almost the entire way. Your dad did have to figure out how to maneuver with twice the number of bags and the stroller around the airport. We got to board early because of you (one of the small perks). I even changed you in the tiny plane bathroom. No sweat though, the woman next to us had a 2-year old that was practically climbing the walls ... and you won't be like that .. right? Oh and we ate Chick-fill-a.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Great Grandama Blank


Great grandma Blank finally got a chance to hold you before we left. She's still sporting the broken arm she got the day before you were born. We returned to the hospital 12 hours later. She's 90 years old and lives with your grandma and grandpa in Pittsford, NY. She is a good artist (you'll get to see some of her oil paintings around the house) and tells great stories. She lived in Germany right after WWII with your great grandfather Bill, who was a doctor in the army.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Great Grandma Laura


Yesterday we went to visit your Great Grandma Laura. Charlie (her second husband) and her live on a acre of land on a hill. It was a pretty idyllic "Little House on the Prairie" sans the highway hidden behind the tree line. Since her memory is a little on the wonky side we had to introduce you over and over. How much did she weigh? Are you nursing? What's her name? And every time she asked and we announce her middle name was Madeline (her middle name is Madelaine) she reacted with joyous surprise and excitement. She actually hooted and stamp her foot a few times. Even though we did not spell it the same way, she was just tickled and after the 10th time of asking her name we figured we could fib and spell it her way. Like she'd remember. With spaghetti pie and mint brownies, it was a very sweet visit.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Today ... A Few More Firsts . . .

First New York hailstorm, first 'true' restaurant experience (Applebees ... and she slept through it ... mmmm buffalo chicken anything), Carrie's first beer, first retail store (no surprise it was Baby's-R-Us), and first public restroom change (guess who did that? yup). She faired exceptionally well mainly because of the fact that she slept through most of the six hour journey. My right arm is sore from the non-ergonomically designed carrier and I'm still cursing at locking mechanism that releases the stupid thing. Where is the Jetson's baby carrier? How does Angelina cope?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The First Nights

Well we made it through the first four nights and we are getting much better at this. Being teachers, we are doing the best to figure out the recipe that makes a perfect night of sleep for all. Parental unit advice was that we have no real control over it ... but I think that after two nights of data we were starting to realize some key points in Elizabeth's sleeping/waking, eating, and bathroom schedule. For simplicity, there are actually only two phases, both 12 hours long. One is the 'active 12' and the other is the 'inactive 12' ... I should write a book.
Bad night: up every hour or half hour, sleeping with the night on, changing diapers in while sleep walking, jumping out of bed at each gurgle or there lack of, letting her sleep most of the day, and both of us getting up instead of sharing.
Good night: sleeping for three amazing hours at a time, the overall importance of a good swaddling technique, slept through some minor gurgles learning that they correct themselves, couple of good activity periods during the day and one nice long one before bed, and sharing the duties of night doodies (sp?).

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Worst Outfit Yet


Hope you'll forgive us when we dressed you in this; like a green potato sack adorned with a cloud with an evil sheep head on it. We laughed entirely to hard at you in it and I think you understood that we were laughing at you. Thankfully it was a hand-me-down and that person won't read this.

Friday, June 13, 2008

1st Restaurant

Dear Elizabeth,

Your first restaurant experience was a Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. Now some people don't consider this a true restaurant but they are wrong and evil. It includes the all the major food groups: chocolate, ice cream, gummy bears, waffle implements, candy bars, and dark chocolate. Since you were too small to eat your serving, I ate it for you because it was melting and we don't waste good food in our family. I think I had something called a colossal chocolate fiasco (all I know is that it was super chocolaty) and mom had something that tasted like an almond joy (another alternative food group) in shake form. We almost did not take you because you were crying so much in the car, but as soon as we stopped and I showed you where we were you calmed down.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Coming Home . . .

All the tests came back normal and we are out of here. Just as soon as the nurse practitioner does the discharge physical, the nurse goes over a million point check list that everyone has already went over (my favorite is still don't shake the baby ... stir), and other tiresome red tape that stretched it out into a four hour ordeal. It did not matter because we could see the end of the hospital stay coming to an end. So what do McEwen's do when a new baby comes home? Pretend she's a garden gnome!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Not Quite!

Carrie and I are sick of the hospital. Elizabeth has been in the NICU (Neonatal Itensive Care Unit) since she was born but only as a precaution because her breathing was a little rapid. She is surrounded by premature babies, a couple nearly 11 weeks early. We have been walking over and spending time with her over the last few days. She might of had some meconium (new vocabulary) aspiration during the c-section but they also wanted to do a blood culture and give her antibiotics just in case. Her breathing corrected itself and in 48 hours there was no sign of infection. Then we were waiting for her to take to nursing and pee. All of these things she was passing with flying colors and staff said they would start the process. So we were looking at discharge today sometime in the late afternoon. We started to get Carrie ready for discharge so that we could go over to the NICU and hang out waiting to finish Elizabeth's. We were just waiting for the results from a cranial ultrasound they did because her head is just a little small (I don't know where she gets that from). I packed up the luggage, installed the car seat, and brought over the 'home outfit' and got Carrie discharged. As we were getting ready to move over to the NICU area, the lead nurse told us that they wanted to do an MRI just to follow up on the ultrasound. That means we in are in for at least another day. I'm not trying to downplay the reasons for the MRI, but they know we are overseas and wanted to do a more thorough check and to have a good record just in case. In fact, we could have taken her home and brought her back later for the MRI, but it was better to just stick it out one more night. They've disconnected her from all her probes so she is no longer tethered. The staff is very accommodating and put us up in a family room ... the best thing is that Elizabeth is staying in the room with us. Hopefully, we'll be going home tomorrow.

Two Words

Poop, Yeah!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Her First Video

At first I did not think I would do much video but she really is precious. Here is Elizabeth's first video for all the family and friends that she can't meet right now. She's just so adorable!

Proud Grandparents

Both of our parents made the effort to visit their new granddaughter. This is number two for Carrie's parents (left) and the first for my parental units (above). They look happy!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Elizabeth Arrives!

Well we are officially parents. Elizabeth Madeline McEwen entered the world on June 8th at 5:35pm and just a little unexpected. Carrie had not felt the baby moving much and was having some cramps, so we went into have her checked out. Luckily, our doctor was on call and an hour later I was holding Elizabeth. Mother and baby are both doing fine. It's a little surreal for us since there was not the standard build up to delivery we expected and it happened so quick. No contractions, pushing, stress, yelling or screaming, just a very calm and amazing experience.

Moments after birth

Dad gets to hold her first

Very happy and healthy baby

Elizabeth and Parents

Sunday, June 8, 2008

What a Wondeful Wife!

I have to say that Carrie has been an incredible wonderful pregnant wife. I think she is actually even a little sweeter then normal. She thinks she might be having those first cramping pre-labor before labor contractions and she still goes upstairs to get me a chocolate donut. Walking is still a good thing.

Update: We left for the hospital shortly after this ... I think Carrie needed a little drama in the pregnancy.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Best Gift Yet

Carrie's sister Dori knitted this sweet Viking hat for Elizabeth. First thing I asked was where was mine? So she's committed to making a family set. Although I want horns instead ...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Visualize ..

I've been reading Don't Just Stand There (how-to book for deadbeat husbands) which included a few 'visualizations' to help along the labor process. I feel the need to share.

Imagine you are looking at a rosebud.
It's petals are warm red; the color gets deeper at the edges.
The petal feels like soft velvet.
There are tiny water drops clinging to the leaves and stem.
Slowly, slowly, you can see it bloom.
The petals widen and expand. They soften.
You can smell the roses sweet scent.
Now you can see deep inside the flower.
It is full of grace and beauty.

Makes me think of Georgia O'Keefe, who my mom had hung up in the upstairs bathroom that my brothers and I shared. Hmmmm

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Even though we have a handicap parking tag in the car we are driving here, Carrie refuses to use it to park closer(even though she's 9 months pregnant ... I've also offered pretend to be her mentally disabled husband and drool) so I felt obliged to note that at Babies-R-Us they have parking for expectant mothers that we utilized. Karma? or just not taking advantage of the system.

This post is really about the 3 hours we spent at the store trying to decide what we need and where. Breast pumps, baby monitors, and baby Bjorn's were a piece of cake but I reached complete metal exhaustion sometime between the strollers and the car seats. We actually would stop other mothers shopping and just ask because the questions were coming so quick. Here's what I've learned:
  • The baby's has a bobble head until about 3 months
  • You need a cup holder on the stroller
  • Fisher Price still makes cool toys (Fisher Price people)
  • A baby quickly outgrows everything .... monthly
  • How much we'd pay for the top of the line breast pump
  • Fisher Price makes a papasan chair swing that goes side-to-side

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

No Baby yet

No baby yet and my attempt to get some photos before the the baby comes have been in vain. It's freezing, windy, and overcast. I really want some shots of her rolling in a daisy field in a sun dress with pigtails and a big hat but all of those have been alluding me lately.

Any day! Tonight we are heading off to see Wicked in Rochester (the tickets are a gift from Grandma Blank) and if she goes into labor during the show I've decided to change her name to Elphaba.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Nursery in Progress

In all the craziness of leaving Dhaka (Little Shop of Horrors finishing up, winding up school), I was trying to get the nursery into some kind of order ... without Carrie knowing. Well, after showing her for her birthday (the nursery is never really for the baby) and thought I'd post the photos. I think I went a little crazy with the colors and had the painters from Jatra (a local craft store) paint the medallion/sun/thing on the wall and then I had a few friends help me paint cool animals. This is obviously a work in progress ... hope to finish up the lighting and details when we return to Dhaka.