Saturday, May 30, 2009

Growing Up

Elizabeth had her toenails painted by Milon this week. They matched Mom's. I can't believe how quick she's growing up. Still get a little miffed when the ayah prementively does things without asking. Oh well ... some on these things we'd never think of. I just hope we don't come home from school and she's wearing make-up and has her ears pierced. Maybe we should talk to Milon.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

PEEK-A-BOO for the 200th POST!

E ... think about it! Almost a year old and we've already documented 200 things ... that's like a 1000 a day or something like that. One of your favorite spots to hang out is by the window and hiding behind the curtains is a close second. We love to watch how happy you make yourself (and us)!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


You've discovered the refrigerator magnets and love playing with them! We've lost a few important letters in your name, but have gotten creative with what we've got! You still like to eat them more them spell with them ... mom and dad have had to fish the O out of your mouth a few times.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hair Accessories

Your hair is getting longer (mostly in the back). Tonight we got home to find you sporting a new hair accessory.

Monday, May 25, 2009


All video was filmed within a 10 minute period and no special effects were used (except wires).

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Top Curiosity

I did not know it but when I bought these tops three years ago from a very persistent young hocker who just did not understand the word 'no' and had no need for a couple of spinning noise making bamboo tops, but did you know they have brought you and I hours and hours of entertainment. At least until one of us gets a splinter! They kids selling them wind up a string and then literally threw them to the ground spinning and whistling, which I have not been able to do as of yet.

E Tears it UP!

You've entered the riping, dropping, throwing phase it appears ... as long as it's not the PS3 (which you can turn on and off now) or the sterio (which you are learning about the volume knob) have a blast with things. Tissues are a 5 minute bonanza of pulling and ripping. Although this was not the most eventful of tissues demolition derbies, it was still entertaining ... until we really need them. And by the way these are the special "with lotion" ones ...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Making Music

Baby Boo you crack your mom and dad UP! I think you just pay us back for all the goofy things we do to crack you up ... in spades sweetie! Drink, grunt, make raspberries and be merry!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Given the ayah and the bearer do most the work around the house, we decided E could at least take the water bottles out. She seems more inclined to arrange them and bang on them then to actually put them outside the door. I know! You'd think we had asked her to bring the full ones up the stairs. I wonder how she'll handle mowing the lawn ...

Monday, May 18, 2009

FIrst Sick Night

Elizabeth: Two days ago during your visit to school and then later at home you were just a little too lethargic and when we took your temperature you were running a 38.7 C temp. Nothing to get crazy about but you definitely had the flu or something. You took an extra couple naps, were sweating and drooling, and generally unhappy. You woke up several times in the middle of the night screaming and we did our best to comfort you. Finally, we got out the Tylenol and gave you a squirt (cherry flavor). Later when it was 3AM, you woke up mom first and then me, just in time to vomit all over mom and yourself. I think it was the couscous. The temperature (what little there was) seemed to break in the next morning and you were feeling a little better on your school visit. As of this morning you are back and in action.

Lights, Camera, and Action

Lee Ann gave me one of my favorite and well thoughtout gifts of all time. E you love playing with it. I see a future in the movies for you!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Elizabeth and Jackfruit

Elizabeth and Jackfruit ... what more can we say. It's grows right out of the trunk, it's nobbly and spikey, and it's the world's largest fruit. The fruit that is not Elizabeth although she is kind of nobbly. In Indonesia we saw one that was bigger than Elizabeth. Just breakfast at the club ...

Monday, May 4, 2009

Self Portrait

I found the camera and we had fun taking our picture together. You've started smiling now for the camera and laugh when you see pictures of yourself on the computer!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


You've discovered a new sound....the scream. You scream out of happiness most of the time:) Check out your teeth (there are still only 2 of them!) can see them so well!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Morning with the Baby Group

You hosted baby group on Thursday. The newly converted exer-saucer into it's 3rd phase was the big attraction this week.

Pickin' a good one.