Monday, March 29, 2010

Spinning, Swimming, and Jumping

We have been in Bangkok for a few days and have been eating good eats, shopping in real shops, swimming, and relaxing in the hotel. To say the least, Bangkok is a denice change from Dhaka. You have been really good about chilling in the stroller as we walked for miles and if you got tired you just napped. We bought a new camera at CentralWorld and these are the first videos and pictures from it. At the swimming pool you have learned to jump in the water from the side but you still don't really like going underwater. You also don't like having to leave the pool area but we have been bribing you with coconut banana milkshakes. You have really made the apartment your home, playing in the hall closet, jumping on the couch and bed,

Friday, March 26, 2010

Bangkok Au Bon Pain Yummy

Elizabeth and Dad finally arrived in Bangkok and got down to some serious relaxing. We have scoped out the restaurants, been to the doctor and hit the pool. Elizabeth has not skipped a beat and was so happy to see mom at the airport.

Yogurt and breakfast at the Au Bon Pain

Very cute

Bouncing on your new ball

Los Cabos ... best Mexican food we've had overseas .


Friday, March 19, 2010

Some Patio Time

We have two patios in our Dhaka apartment and the front one looks out over the beautiful construction across the street. Elizabeth, you love sitting out there on the benches we had made or taking pillows out there. Much of the time all your toys end up out there ... along with DVDs and kitchen utensils and whatever else you can drag out there. It was nice for about 3 weeks before what they like to call "Spring" ended with a heat wave. I'm not sure we'll spend more time out there time next winter.

Coloring Books and Stickers

You really like Cookie monster! This is actually the day mom left for Bangkok to have your little brother .. what proceeded was a week with dad, in which you had an amazing and fun-filled time. Wooo ...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

PJ's for Elizabeth

Elizabeth loves her PJ's. It looks a bit more painful on camera but she really loves it. Remember zippers! You probably stay up a little later than you should but when you are tired you are out. The time from PJ's to bed is usually under an hour but also depends how tired we are. The Pj's in the film are on their way out .... the sleeves are too small and your arms get caught.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

More dancing ...

*Update: The last month has seen a drop to 0% posts because of obvious reasons (getting ready for the new one and traveling to Bangkok) but today starts a bit of backlog blogging and catching up on the excitement that was March!

Here Elizabeth shows us some of her best moves ...