Monday, May 18, 2009

FIrst Sick Night

Elizabeth: Two days ago during your visit to school and then later at home you were just a little too lethargic and when we took your temperature you were running a 38.7 C temp. Nothing to get crazy about but you definitely had the flu or something. You took an extra couple naps, were sweating and drooling, and generally unhappy. You woke up several times in the middle of the night screaming and we did our best to comfort you. Finally, we got out the Tylenol and gave you a squirt (cherry flavor). Later when it was 3AM, you woke up mom first and then me, just in time to vomit all over mom and yourself. I think it was the couscous. The temperature (what little there was) seemed to break in the next morning and you were feeling a little better on your school visit. As of this morning you are back and in action.

1 comment:

mama mcewen said...

We were all so worried are soooo glad you are all better. Everyone in the U.S. has been super hyped about the swine flue. It hasn't been as dangerous as they first thought but it is still in the news constantly. Fever, flue....oink oink. Yikes!